
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Best play dough recipe

I borrowed a play dough set from my local toy library and they had a recipe in the set for play dough. I had used a different recipe when I made it before, but this one is much better.

3 cups plain flour
1 cup salt
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
1 tablespoon oil
2-3 cups boiling water

Mix dry ingredients together. Mix wet ingredients in a jug. Add wet ingredients to dry, mix well. Best consistency achieved when mix is on the dry side and kneaded whilst hot. I found it worked really well by kneading it on a floured surface until it is the right consistency and doesn't stick to your hands anymore.
Brendon is getting hours of fun out of it and it has been educational as well. Today he asked me what happens when you mix red and green together, so he had a go at doing that.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Modern cloth nappy updates

Over the weekend Adelaide hosted the Pregnancy, Babies and Children's expo. My mum was here, so we left the boys to entertain themselves while we went to the expo. I wanted to look at different brands of modern cloth nappies and to see if there was a potty that Brendon would actually like to sit on. I was also curious if there was a cloth pull up nappy available.
Wondering around we discovered there are new brands of nappies on the market since I was looking when I was pregnant three years ago. I have Pea Pods at home and loved them when Brendon was small but found they tended to leak as he got bigger. The pilchers got bigger but unfortunately the inserts didn't, leaving a gap on the sides between the insert and the leg elastic. Walking around the expo I discovered most of the brands had the same problem, and the representatives all seemed surprised when I pointed this out.
We did find one brand (only one!) out of all the brands of cloth nappies there that did a pull-up version. GroVia make a pocket nappy that you can use as a training pant/pull up nappy or use as an ordinary nappy if you put an insert in. The representative said I could use the Pea Pod inserts in the GroVia nappy. The GroVia nappy has elastic sides so that it can be used as a pull-up nappy, but also has press studs. I was impressed with this as one thing I have found with training pants is that it is difficult to clean up the poo. At least with this one there is still the option of laying the child down on the change table, undoing the press studs and cleaning them up without getting poo everywhere.
One of the last cloth nappy brands that we looked at was the only one that looked, to me, like it would be truly leak proof. The Bambooty night time nappy had an extra layer of gathering between the elastic and where the insert goes, filling in the gap that I had noticed on all the other brands. Brendon wore his to bed last night, and I was eager to check it out when he woke up this morning. It didn't leak, despite being absolutely full with wee. All in all I was very impressed, as I had been using disposable nappies at night due to the leaking problem. Now that is one less disposable nappy I will have to use each day, saving money and the environment in the long run!
I don't have the GroVia nappy packaging here to give you any contact details, but you can check out Bambooty on, or just go along to the next Pregnancy, Babies and Children's Expo in your capital city.