
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2014 Pauline's year in review

Another year has passed and I find myself reflecting on what I have achieved this year towards my goals of living a little more frugally while not compromising on quality of life, treading lightly on the earth and reducing waste.

I'll start off with my garden. In 2014 from my garden I picked: zucchini, basil, spinach, cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, parsley, rockmelon, pumpkin, lemons, lettuce, capsicum, mint, olives, eggplant, oranges, thyme, cos lettuce, leeks, carrots, mushrooms, snow peas, silverbeet, chives, garlic chives, pineapple sage, peas, coriander, beans, lemon verbena, red onions and plums. We didn't get any apples off our tree this year. The total amount of produce picked from our garden this year is 235.8kg, up from 125.6kg in 2013 and 104kg in 2012. This year I planted passionfruit so it will be a few years before that produces. Also last year I planted asparagus, so should hopefully start getting some off that next spring. We also planted a peach tree which has fruit on it and will hopefully be eating them in the next month or so. We also have a fig tree but it hasn't produced fruit yet.

I read a bit more about gardening tips including companion gardening. After three years of having a vegie patch, I have noticed the favourite spot in the garden for the the dappled shade from the next door neighbours peach tree. I also discovered that the coriander likes to be near the tomatoes and in the dappled shade of the lemon tree. I planted one coriander in the ground and it was going so well in that spot I moved the ones I had in pots to the same area and they thrived.

I have been noticing how much of our food comes in packaging and trying to cut down. I no longer buy pre-packaged carrots, but buy them loose and take my own plastic bag to put them in. Having said that, my favourite fruit and veg shop had all their peaches and nectarines in plastic containers this year that weren't particularly reusable or recyclable, which was disappointing. Hopefully next year we will have our own peaches and not need to buy so many.

This year I made my own dishcloths from old towels and scrap material and they have worked out really well. I am endeavouring to make more clothes for my family this year.

I hadn't updated this blog for about two years until one of the Channel 7 producers came across it while surfing the internet. The next thing I know I'm on television on the Today Tonight Adelaide show under the title of Urban Farmers. For some time afterwards hits on this blog skyrocketed but have slowed down a bit now.

With a 5 year old and an almost 2 year old, there doesn't seem to be a lot of time for making things by hand to reduce waste and live frugally. However, as the kids get older I have more time, so expect to be able to do a bit more this year, especially as my oldest starts school this year.

Thanks to all my friends who tell my of how I have inspired them to plant something in their gardens or go back to making things like candied peel themselves instead of buying products. And thanks to my Facebook followers who have spurred me on to greater things.

I don't tend to make new years resolutions as I'm not good at sticking to them, but I will continue on this journey and will post onto this blog when I get a moment. I hope you all have a great 2015!

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