Let's get it straight, being frugal does not necessarily mean being cheap. In the article in the October edition of the Australian Women's Weekly Why We Crave The Simple Life it is defined as "...philosophy for living, which is to spend less, live more, reduce your possessions and increase your self sufficiency."
I'm trying to become better at reducing waste. Instead of throwing scraps in the bin, I try to think of ways to use them. I plan to use some of my material scraps to make my own handkerchiefs, I put my vegie scraps in the compost or make stock with them. For years our friends have laughed, but my husband and I share a tea bag when making a cuppa...not because we're trying to be cheap, but because we discovered you can get two perfectly good cups of tea out of one tea bag. It seemed wasteful to use more than what we need.
For me it also means working out how economical something is. For example, I'm allergic to bleach so about 7 or 8 years ago we bought some Enjo products. Some of those are now starting to need replacing and I have organised a consultant to come around to my place so I can work out what I need to get. You might think that $99 for a floor fibre is expensive, but over it's lifespan it has worked out to less than 30cents each time I mop, which is about once (sometimes twice) per week.
I cook meals from scratch, make my own sauces and find it not only cheaper but tastier than the shop bought alternatives.
I bought some disposable nappies this week and cringed when I saw that nearly half of the total at the checkout was the cost of the nappies. I walked away endeavouring to do better with my cloth nappies.
As for being cheap, setting up a vegie patch has costs initially, especially if it doesn't work out. However I have done it before and I am driven to do it again. Growing your own vegies is cheaper in the long run with added benefits. You don't have to go to the shop to get it, thus using fuel which is expensive these days. Nor does it require any packaging. You also know what has been used on it to keep the bugs away.
What does being frugal mean to you? Why not add your comment here so it can be shared with everyone?
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