My goals

Tips for living frugally, reducing waste, healthy living and being environmentally friendly. Join me on my journey as I explore ways to achieve these goals.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Reasons to get to know your neighbours

Many years ago I worked in a job where I had no private life. When I left that job, I valued my privacy so much that when I bought a house shortly afterwards, I raised the fence (taking it from a four foot fence to a six foot fence) and didn't get to know my neighbours or talk to them much, if at all. One day I came home from work to find the police at one of my neighbours house. The cops came over and asked me how long it has been since I had seen him. I said his cat had been over and crying at my door each night for about four turned out that is how long my neighbour had been lying dead in his house! I quickly realised that overprotecting my privacy had a downside - I didn't know or look out for the well being of my neighbours.
I now live next to two fantastic neighbours, and have realised there are many benefits. If you don't know or talk much to your neighbours, here is some food for thought:
1. My neighbours always look out for my safety and keep an eye on the house when I am out. They aren't sticky beaks, but do take note of who comes to the house when I am not here. They are also concerned whenever I am not well.
2. Both neighbours either side have fruit trees and vegetable patches, and give us the excess produce and seedlings. They supply us with lovely peaches, persimmons, lettuces, silverbeet, etc. Sergio gave me 6 tomato seedlings which are now in my garden and supplying us with lovely, fresh tomatoes. In the past I have given them jam made from the fruit they have given me. Now I have enough produce in my garden that I may also be able to give some to them. This photo is of the peach tree from Jim's yard that hangs over our fence. On the weekend we picked two lovely peaches.

3. Whenever we go away they are always happy to feed the dog (if we don't take her with us), put our bins out for collection, collect the mail and look after the place.
4. I know that if I ever have to nick out quickly while Brendon is sleeping I can always ask Beri to watch him for a few minutes. I have only done that once, but wouldn't hesitate to ask her again if I had to.
5. The chats over the fence are always wonderful. We have developed a good relationship with neighbours on both side, and do occassionally chat to the ones behind us, but don't get to see them quite as much.
6. I have found that neighbours and friends often have knowledge that I am after. Sergio has shown me what to do with my olives, and Beri and I have often swapped recipes over the fence.
7. I would certainly notice if I hadn't seen these neighbours for 4 weeks! I feel safe knowing they are looking out for me as I am for them!

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