My goals

Tips for living frugally, reducing waste, healthy living and being environmentally friendly. Join me on my journey as I explore ways to achieve these goals.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ride to work day

It's ride to work day today and my husband was busy getting his bike ready last night. He headed off for work a bit earlier than what he usually does as his ride will be about 20kms or so, and will take longer on the bike than in the ute. It will mean that he will also be home later, but the upside for him is that he gets some exercise into his day rather than sitting in a vehicle for all that time. Another upside is the saving on diesel. Although we have a long range fuel tank on the ute, it still costs us about $100 to fill up every 4 to 6 weeks. If he goes well today, he is considering riding more often. This will save fuel as well as wear and tear on the ute. My only concern is the other vehicles on the road, however he assures me that the map he downloaded off Cycling SA has shown him a safe route to go to avoid all the trucks.
I would have taken Brendon to his swimming lessons on my bike but I have a flat tyre and no time to fix it this morning. I will have a look at it on the weekend so I can also use my bike more than having to use the car. One problem is the lack of storage on the bike, especially when there is a child seat on the back!

1 comment:

  1. Hubby enjoyed his ride to work so much he is doing it again today.
