One of the advantages of growing your own vegetables is that it still happens even when you're not there. We recently went away, albeit only for four days, but when I came home, there was nearly 3.5kg worth of produce ready to pick! This photo shows the zucchinis and tomatoes (one chopped up ready to be used for dinner that night), but I also picked strawberries.
However, I also discovered there was work to do for me when I returned. Powdery mildew attacked one of my zucchini plants, so I had a trip to the shops to get some lime sulphur for that. My pumpkin plants are going berzerk, lots of growth and a few flowers, but no pumpkins yet, so I had to pinch out the growing tips. My rockmelons are also going berzerk, so I had to pinch out the growing tips on them as well, but at least they have plenty of fruit on them. One of them is decidedly looking more like watermelon while the other looks like rockmelon. Entirely possible given they sprouted from seeds out of my 'not yet aged enough' compost heap.
I noticed when I went shopping this week that I didn't have to get much from the green grocers...just some bananas and one or two vegetables that I don't grow. I have been getting so many zucchinis and tomatoes that I am making a lot of meals out of them, cutting down on my grocery bill. I admit I wouldn't use zucchini's quite as much if I wasn't growing them in abundance, but I may as well use them up while they are in season.
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