My goals

Tips for living frugally, reducing waste, healthy living and being environmentally friendly. Join me on my journey as I explore ways to achieve these goals.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Construction theme birthday party pinata

My son is about to turn 5 and he had his party on the weekend. We made a Stop/Go sign pinata by using thick cardboard and cutting two large circles as the two sides. Then we cut a strip of cardboard and used packing tape to stick it around the edges, making sure to put a hole with some string in at the top and filling with lollies before taping it all up. Lastly my son and I had fun painting it. I wasn't sure how strong it was and was surprised to find it took quite a whacking before the contents spilled out! It was so easy to do and better still we used cardboard that would have only been thrown out and some packing tape we had at home. All we had to get was lollies and a bit more paint. Pinata's are about $20 in the shops, but I only paid about $10 for a bag of lollies and one of chocolates. My advice would be to only use one bag and it turned out we had far too many lollies/chocolates in ours for the number of kids that we had (10).The best thing about this, it didn't matter that it didn't look perfect, my son still loved it!

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