My goals

Tips for living frugally, reducing waste, healthy living and being environmentally friendly. Join me on my journey as I explore ways to achieve these goals.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Jolly Santa Advent Calendar

In previous years I have been disappointed in buying advent calendars. While very cheap, the chocolate that comes in them is the size of a 5c piece and at the end of it all you are left with is some packaging. Last year I made my own using Jolly Santa material. It was a bit rough and ready but my kids loved it as the pockets are big enough to put a small toy, holiday craft activity to keep the kids busy and some home made treat. This year my husband suggested getting a small lego model and putting some of the bricks in each day so day by day the kids can construct the model. This year I made one for my best friends kids and took much more care with my measurements and sewing. I took photos as I did it and wrote down the instructions, so if you would like to make it, here it is.If you have trouble copying and pasting this into your browser, email me at and I will email you the document.

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